What Would You Rather?

Posted by 1001web

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Vee: The ant conversation actually went on much longer than I'd care to admit, with important questions such as 'do they form a decipherable head' and 'what kind of hat would they wear with the trench-coat'.
This game -for lack of a better word- along with 'what superpower would you want' is solely responsible for our abysmal sleep schedule. Around others, I blame things like the internet or work but honestly, it can easily skate by 3am if we get really into 'what is the worst mutant power'.

Jaime:  I think it's a testament to our friendship that after all of these years we still find things to talk about, and that we remain entertained by our respective antics. 
We have a lot of theoretical games we play to keep ourselves amused, and this is probably our most frequent: Which Would You Rather?
It can become challenging to come up with new scenarios, and in the long watches of the night we often stumble upon decisions that no mere mortal should have to consider... would you rather have the ability to conjure any food you can imagine into existence, or ownership of an unseen force that keeps your home and person perfectly clean and organized? CHOOSE WISELY.
We would be very grateful if you spread the What Would You Rather? this article on your social networking account, by URL : http://piranhapart.blogspot.com/2012/05/what-would-you-rather.html

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