♫ They See Me Trollin' In My FaceBooks ♫

Posted by 1001web

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Vee: I'm not just talking about the stuff he does unconsciously, here. James is a real life troll. Do you know what he does when he gets bored? He goes down his list of FaceBook friends, reads their most recent posts, then replies with the most contrary, rabble-rousing thing he can imagine. And its not just online! That, I could forgive. We all know Anonymity = Jackassery.
He does this in real life. At work.
Once, he sent me a proof of his reply to 'Why Creative Groups Need Women'. I don't need to tell you it was full of offensive gems along the lines of brains make people clever, not vaginae. 
When I told him it would be fundamentally obtuse to send it, he was all 'oh, I sent that hours ago. I just wanted you to read it'.
Sometimes, I just want to give him a list entitled TABOO TOPICS, but I fear he would run down it like his FB feed and get himself fired and maybe beaten with high-heeled shoes.
Jaime: Vee has a vocabulary reminiscent of an elderly curmudgeon, probably from a Southern State, sometime during the Depression - talking with her often has unexpected and hilarious misunderstandings, like when she told me a certain movie looked like a 'blue film' and I thought she meant that it was left leaning politically, and not that it contained jokes about ribald subjects.
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