Happy Holidays, from Social Piranha

Posted by 1001web

Vee: Do you have any seasonal words of wisdom for our readers?

Jaime: Buh. Try not to eat too much uhm... Urg.

Vee: Perfect. 
Well, to 2012, possibly the shittiest year on record. 
Remember to remain ever vigilant in these last few days, as people are apt to be unpredictable and rash when pawing through the meager remains of available merchandise and hurtling down ice-covered roads, sloshed on eggnog and peppermint shots. 
Wear your festive hat well over your face to hide the shame of being photographed at 6am, holding a pair of recently unwrapped underpants.

We would be very grateful if you spread the Happy Holidays, from Social Piranha this article on your social networking account, by URL : http://piranhapart.blogspot.com/2012/12/happy-holidays-from-social-piranha.html

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