Vee: If I ever meet the man who started this Movember tradition, I will first shake his hand for making it socially acceptable for men to talk about their prostates -then- I will punch him square in the face.
James has this fantasy of what his 'beard' looks like. The reality is an array of nauseatingly long, sparse hairs, and a barely visible smattering of blonde fuzz. I swear he's got some sort of gene disorder, because part of his beard is made of wood. Honestly, he grows hairs that are wide, flat and fibrous. If you pull them out, you can calculate his age within a year's accuracy.
I've got a whole MONTH of beard-burn ahead of me, and there isn't enough moisturizer in the world to make it tolerable.
Jaime: Don't listen to any of her griping, Vee is just intimidated by the overwhelming masculinity my luscious beard represents; it is a beacon of freedom in a world dominated by women, and a final act of defiance of a proud and dying breed.