'Tis the Season to be Drinking

Posted by 1001web

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Here is my Christmas gift to you: a full color comic

Vee: It is the season of office parties. Being a professional workaholic and misanthrope makes it difficult for me to enjoy this sort of revelry. I attend precisely one holiday event: the end of year awards ceremony, during which I persevere long enough to find out if I've won anything, after which I promptly return to work.
It's not that I don't enjoy fun- it's that I abhor it and would much rather be doing things that are productive and educational.
Once, I dragged two of my workmates to a telecom convention. One of them asked if it would be fun, to which the other responded sarcastically: "Vee wants to go, so you KNOW it's going to be a blast."

Jaime: There's been a few instances where I've come to her work, knocked on the door, and stood there for a good long while, occasionally slamming my fist into the wood trying to make a noise over the din of celebration inside. Other times the office is entirely empty, bereft of any workers save her, dutifully hitting her keys with machine like precision. She's like a statue in a town square being recorded by one of those time lapse cameras... surrounded by cacophony and change, but never moving.
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