The TTC is a Shitcock

Posted by 1001web

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Vee: WHY.
Why do people do this to me?
Every day I go home for lunch, a time when the subway is invariably empty. But there will always be ONE motherfucker who strolls in, across the DESERTED PLATFORM, to stand right beside me, at the very far end.
You might say -aw, come on, they just want to strike up a conversation- NO. Nobody in Toronto talks to each-other outside the home. It is illegal.
The only rationale I can think of is that these people are sadists, and secretly relish in disrupting my Waiting for the Perpetually Late Train pacing routine.
I need pylons or something.

Jaime: I have never, in all my travels, encountered such incompetent commuters than those found in Toronto.

I don't know what causes it really, whether it's the obsolete and inadequate transit system itself or simply that these people are all miserable and befuddled simpletons standing directly in front of subway doors, stopping in crowded rush hour tunnels to fish about in their purses, taking up two seats at a time in a completely packed train, etc.

Even when the weather is awful, and the trip is long and arduous, and even knowing I could be crushed by a truck or bus at any moment, I STILL prefer to ride my bike somewhere than endure the terrible trial that is the TTC.
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