And Suddenly, Everybody went Baby Crazy

Posted by 1001web

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Vee: As a young married couple, people love to bother us about having kids. Our child-rearing friends ask us when it's going to happen, my parents joke about names, Jaime's parents very UN-jokingly suggest we should make some granbabbies NOW.
Apparently nobody has realized that I have absolutely ZERO maternal instinct.
Oh yes, people ALWAYS say "you'll come around", but I'm starting to question if "all women eventually succumb to the BABYFEVER" is actually a fact, or just a widely believed myth.
Firstly, I don't give a shit about kids or babies or fetuses. If that's not a dead giveaway, my amazing ability to completely overlook a crying child should be.
Some girls will say "ooh, poor baby!" (the breeders), others will say "augh, that is so annoying!" (the future breeders) and I will say "wait- what?".
And this is coming from somebody who can not only HEAR, but be ANNOYED by a mouse fart in a train station.
Not to mention my body is a cesspool of tobacco, caffeine and aspartame. Anything I'd bare would have at least four eyes. At LEAST.

Jaime: It seems that everyone I know is either pregnant or in the midst of raising their own little progeny. It's constant baby coverage, all day and every day, from bottle feeding to bowel movements! This miniature baby boom is doing little to persuade me to procreate, since almost every update involves complaints of sleepless nights, sore backs, terrible messes (often of a biological nature) and an irreversibly disrupted life. Frankly, I think the whole process is rather amateur and dangerous, like trying to pull your own teeth or represent yourself in court. I say, leave it to the professionals! Get yourself a nanny or wet nurse, or some other professional baby wrangler (I hear grandparents will even do it for free).
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