Vee: First of all, for those of you who are like James and don't browse telecom and related technologies more than you search for porn, a port is when you change number carriers.
Move your phone number from Rogers to Bell? That's a port.
From Telus to WIND? That's a port.
Paddling the school canoe? That's a port.
I bet James didn't even make it through that paragraph without blanking out and fantasizing about jellybeans or some stupid shit.
I don't understand why my stories about the Days of Univac result in several comas.
I once talked about arduino and simple circuits for forty-five minutes straight before I realized the guy nodding and smiling was actually an anamatronic bear.
Even geeks are outgeeked by my penchant for vintage tech. The last time somebody at work asked me why my keyboard was so loud, and I started explaining the history of mechanical switches, they WALKED AWAY.
So I emailed them several paragraphs of block text regarding actuation and cherry blues vs topres.
Still waiting to hear back.
Jaime: She's had this job for years now and I still only vaguely understand what it is that she does. I know that it involves, computers, and phones, things called switches and servers, and a whole collection of acronyms that sound like she's making them up as she goes.
It doesn't help that whenever she tries to tell me about it I feel like someone is reading a photocopier manual to me in a Ben Stein monotone...