Shaving Cream Beards: One Man's Cry for Attention

Posted by 1001web

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Vee: I honestly believe he has a 5th sense for whether or not I'm very, very focused on something.
There are loads of times where I'm just dicking around in here, looking at memes and randomly browsing youtube. Is it in those moments that he walks in, vying for attention?
It's when I'm entrenched in technical manuals or a good story or on the brink of a train of thought that will unravel the mystery of the universe. That's the moment he chooses to slowly peer across the doorjamb and utter 'Veeeee, veeeeeeeeeeeeee' in a creepy falsetto.
James doesn't seem to understand normal human interaction.
He'll do stuff like try to hug me while I'm brushing my teeth, or touch just the very back of my ear with one cold, slightly damp finger.
Then when I scream and try to claw his face off, he tells me I'm being distant.
No, I am being sane.
As proof --this shaving foam beard incident?-- ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
I was attempting to work from home, was listening to a voicemail, and every few minutes he would return, dripping gobs of cream all over the fucking place, and yelling names of celebrities that I don't know.
That's just the top of the list- he'll also come in here, start a conversation, flatulate right in the middle of a sentence, and then run away because the stench is intolerable.
Granted, I have the weird, largely useless ability to turn off my sense of smell, but still... seems the classy thing to do would be to excuse himself.
Or at least go down with the ship.
Stay here, stay here in your fartcloud and suffer.

Jaime: We're both solitary creatures, and spend most of our leisure time in entirely separate rooms being quiet and not bothering each other.
That being said, the desire does creep up on me throughout the day to spontaneously confound her with totally nonsensical behaviour - usually something as simple as flipping her lights off and on, biting her and running away, or regailing her with my many witty observations and lessons of the day.
All signs that I care... but not very much.

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